LMU 20050237

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Does virtual team building inspire the employees?

Image 01: smallworldexperience.com

Does Virtual team building inspire the employees?

Virtual team building are activities that builds trust among team members, develops and brings unity to the team. A reserch by Remote.co revile that, 87% of distant staff sense more linked through the utilization of audiovisual conferencing.

The pandemic forces us to rethink many areas and offers great opportunities. Digital communication channels are progressively used and therefore the remote or mobile working is becoming a matter indeed (Gaudecker et al., 2020). Even before covid 19, many digitization schemes were started and implemented, too (Oztemel & Gursev, 2020). Employees need a while to induce accustomed the new condition. Communication in virtual teams must be more specific, brief and explicit (Bakshi & Krishna S., 2008).

Image 02: focusu.com

Digital technologies and infrastructures are the basic requirement for digital teamwork. However, the introduction of digital technologies is not sufficient to make an effective virtual team (Ebrahim et al., 2009). Internal group dynamics and external support mechanisms should also be measured (Lurey & Raisinghani, 2001).

One key task is to ensure role clarity, i.e. all team members are mindful of the different characters and tasks, as a lack of visibility can make the team members feel less able to attain outcomes (Ebrahim et al., 2009).

Image 03:www.rider.edu/

Global Context

IBM having 200,000 employees from different countries and backgrounds. One of the main challenges within a worldwide company of this size is managing time zones. Permitting employees to work at the hours when they are naturally most productive can boost performance and morale. That’s why IBM renovate itself to use an outcome concerned work atmosphere. Employees can live where they need and add virtual teams supported their own schedules. Even as team members work more autonomously during the hours that employment best for them. As a result of the virtual team building activities, IBM were able to welcome the acquired company’s employees into the business with energy, creativity and a collaborative team spirit.

(Source: vitalsmarts, 2021 available at www.youtube.com)


Virtual teams have shown the significant importance in the virtual world. It underlines how important it is, especially, but not exclusively, in times of the corona pandemic. It is the strong leader who show their employees how to switch from working on site to a digital workplace.


Bakshi, S., & Krishna S. (2008). The impact of virtuality on the flexibility of virtual teams in software development projects. <https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/301341997.pdf> (Accessed on 30 July 2021) 

Ebrahim, N. A., Ahmed, S., & Taha, Z. (2009). Virtual teams: A literature review. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. <https://www.researchgate.net/publication> (Accessed on 31 July 2021)

Gaudecker, H. (2020). Labour supply in the early stages of the Covid 19 Pandemic: <https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/13158> (Accessed on 30 July 2021)

https://biz30.timedoctor.com/virtual-team-building/ (Accessed on 31 July 2021)

https://wearewildgoose.com/uk/team-building-activities/case-studies/ibm-case-study/ (Accessed on 30 July 2021)

https://www.gartner.com/en/information-technology/glossary/virtual-team-building (Accessed on 30 July 2021)

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343473371_Leading_Virtual_Teams (Accessed on 01 August 2021) 

Lurey, J. S., & Raisinghani, M. S. (2001). An empirical study of best practices in virtual teams. Information & Management.

<https://www.plusdelta.net/wpcontent/uploads/2011/08/IM_Best_Practices_Virtual_Teams_Article.pdf> (Accessed on 31 July 2021)

Oztemel, E., & Gursev, S. (2020). Literature review of Industry 4.0 and related technologies. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.

<https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10845-018-1433-8> (Accessed on 31 July 2021)


  1. As you clearly explained here, The pandemic forces us to rethink many areas and offers great opportunities. More than ever, Digital communication channels are progressively used. Entire world has started working Virtually so it shown the significant importance in the current world

  2. Virtual team building is a great way to keep a feeling of togetherness among employees. Team building exercises can boost morale and generate enthusiasm. It sees employees working towards a common goal which, in turn, encourages cooperation, motivation and team effort. someone can This is a supportive side effect of the pandemic, as this has improved the organization communication and effectiveness than previously it was. However, some drawbacks are also identified with regard to the topic. great article.

    1. Agreed Oshadha, there are few drawbacks such as lack of cohesiveness, lack of camaraderie, Risk to reputation and Security & compliance issues.

  3. Well written article nadun.
    In the other hand According to a survey of Telekom approximately 70% of all virtual team’s fail Müller, 2013).The main problem is, that organizations design and lead virtual teams, in the same way, they lead traditional teams, and this processing isn’t successful. Organizations have to understand, that a virtual team depends on other factors than a traditional team. In a virtual team, it is to be noticed that a team meeting needs more intensive preparation and that every team member has to be familiar with the available technology.

    1. Thank you Umesh for the additional information you added.

  4. Hi Nadun. There are some benefits of virtual team building. Like
    • Upholds Workforce Teamwork.
    • Increases Employees' Morale.
    • Supports Innovation Management.
    • Growths Productivity.
    • Encourage Flexibility.
    • Support Positive Work Culture.
    • Build Varied Relationships.

    1. Thank you Parami for the valuable information added.

  5. This concept is commonly used due to the pandemic situation and helped a lot in keeping relationships with peers. The team members must be available with the required technologies to get connected. But this support the organizations by being flexible and convenient.

  6. Nadun a good topic with good current value.
    Virtual team building is the process of bringing remote teams together and achieve deeper bonds by creating an environment that’s similar to the office settings. The physical distance due to pandemic situation feel employee isolated and without their cultural environment their engagement towards job is prostrated. To overcome this scenario virtual team building is the best digital platform use in modern HR.

  7. Currently large number of employees working in the digital platforms. And their number is growing every year. The rise of new problems with virtual teams has led the floor to create a useful tools for remote team managers. Working together in an unfamiliar environment has a way of building bonds that cannot be built in any other way. It transcends cultural and physical barriers, requires the use of a variety of skills, and allows teams to participate outside of normal business positions.

  8. Most organizations are evaluating a remote work culture as a permanent option in the post-pandemic era. Organizations might use team-building exercises to assist their employees to prepare for this unplanned employment shift. Because it spans cultural and physical barriers, it is more successful when it is intentional and has a goal. You can help your team thrive and grow your business by providing a pleasant and collaborative virtual workplace.

  9. In an apocalyptic world, most businesses are considering remote work culture as a permanent option. Employees can save a significant amount of time traveling, while organizations can save money. It can be a win for all parties whereas if activities are well-coordinated. As a result, team-building exercises can assist organizations in preparing their workforce during this transition period. It is more effective when deliberate and serves a purpose, as it crosses cultural and physical barriers.

  10. Hi Nadun,virtual crew building also can lessen emotions of isolation and loneliness in remote groups. even as some humans query the price of crew-building sporting activities, research have shown that they enhance teams' effectiveness and assist to construct consider. these physical activities can be similarly powerful for virtual groups.

  11. At the initial stage of the pandemic, organizations have switched to work from home concept. However, uncertainty of the pandemic with rapid changers of virus variants, remote working and maintaining social distancing has become core features of new normal working environment. Isolated employees faced lot of stress and they are anxious ,HRM has a vital part to ensure continuation of organization operation under the new normal while looking employee’s health and well-being during the pandemic
